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    The Young Teacher Panel Successfully Held in SA&D


    The Young Teacher Panel Successfully Held in SA&D

    2:00 pm, October 22, 2020, a panel specially for young teachers was successfully held in the Faulty Center in School of Architecture and Design (SA&D). Attending the panel were Party Secretary Wu Xiaoxiong, Executive Dean Shen Zhongwei, Deputy Party Secretary Liu Yijie, President of the Union of the school Wang Shaojing, and all teachers introduced to the school since 2017. Hao Jianping, member of inspection team, was also invited to attend the panel that was presided by Wang Shaojing.

    Party Secretary Wu Xiaoxiong first delivered a speech of behalf of the Party Committee of the school. To begin with, he introduced the purposes of the panel. It was a welcome meeting to all the teachers, and it also aimed to serve as a platform for them to discuss their difficulties and challenges and give advice for the school. He mentioned that these of over twenty new teachers had injected another impetus to the school, as evidenced by the recent thriving development. He showed concern for the life and work of young teachers, and expressed that the school would do its utmost to provide favorable conditions and address their difficulties. He also encouraged that all teachers should plan for their career and life, adjust themselves to the new environment, identify driving force for their career so as to achieve success in both career and life.

    In the panel, all teachers spoke in turn, discussing their experience and lessons. The Party Committee and the Union of the school took heed of their advice. Executive Dean Shen Zhongwei encouraged young teachers to improve expertise, take due responsibilities, and actively engage in contributing to a high quality development of the school. He also pointed out the spirit of being responsible and striving for the best reflected by the young teachers were living echos needed in deepening education reform and stimulating development synergy. Such devotion was bound to contribute to a promising future of SA&D.

    All teachers received gifts from the school, giving the panel a warm and successful conclusion.