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    Good news: SA&D’s project "Theoretical Innovation and Practice of Adaptive Urban Spatial Planning and Design in Plateau-Tibetan Areas" won the Second Prize of Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award


    Good News: SA&D’s project "Theoretical Innovation and Practice of Adaptive Urban Spatial Planning and Design in Plateau-Tibetan Areas" won the Second Prize of Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award

    March 17, 2021, the Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Award Ceremony was held in Chengdu, which announced projects for the 2020 Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award. The project of "Theoretical Innovation and Practice of Adaptive Urban Spatial Planning and Design in Plateau Tibetan Areas" completed by the team led by Prof. Zhang Yingzi of School of Architecture and Design (SA&D) won the second prize of Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award.

    This is the third consecutive year that SA&D has won the award . The project is another landmark of SA&D’s achievement in urban design of plateau Tibetan areas for many years, which fully demonstrates the scientific and technological innovation ability and industrial influence of SWJTU in field of urban human settlement research in plateau Tibetan areas.