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Liu Xue


Liu Xue

Research Associate Professor

Research Interest: Data-driven building performance analysis; Building energy modeling; Climate change impacts and assessment


1) The National Key R&D Program of China, “Research and Application of Control Indicators and Key Technologies of Zero-Carbon Buildings” (Grant No. 2022YFC3803300), 2022.11-2025.10

2) China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant Number: 2022M721834): A method of generating meteorological years for zero energy building design based on joint probability distribution2022.11-2023.11

Representative publications:

1Xue Liu, Shan Hu, Da Yan*, A statistical quantitative analysis of the correlations between socio-demographic characteristics and household occupancy patterns in residential buildings in China, Energy and Buildings, 2023, 284: 112842.

2Xue Liu, Hao Tang, Yong Ding*, Da Yan*, Investigating the performance of machine learning models combined with different feature selection methods to estimate the energy consumption of buildings, Energy and Buildings, 2022, 273: 112408.

3Xue Liu, Yong Ding*, Hao Tang, Lingxiao Fan, Jie Lv, Investigating the effects of key drivers on energy consumption of nonresidential buildings: A data-driven approach integrating regularization and quantile regression, Energy, 2022, 244: 122720.

4Xue Liu, Yong Ding*, Hao Tang, Feng Xiao, A data mining-based framework for the identification of daily electricity usage patterns and anomaly detection in building electricity consumption data, Energy and Buildings, 2021, 231: 110601.

5Yong Ding*, Xue Liu*, A comparative analysis of data-driven methods in building energy benchmarking, Energy and Buildings, 2020, 209: 109711.

6Zhaoru Liu, Xue Liu, Haoran Zhang, Da Yan*, Integrated physical approach to assessing urban-scale building photovoltaic potential at high spatiotemporal resolution, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 388: 135979.

7Hao Tang, Xue Liu, Yang Geng, Borong Lin*, Yong Ding*, Assessing the perception of overall indoor environmental quality: Model validation and interpretation, Energy and Buildings, 2022, 259: 111870.


1) A real-time dynamic energy control system based on building energy use data (Authorization), ZL201910846259.0

2) A centralized air conditioning energy saving control system and its control strategy (Authorization), ZL201610017501.X

3) Air conditioning system start/stop control device and control method based on indoor thermal comfort state (Authorization), ZL201511022754.8


1) Global AI Challenge for Building E&M Facilities, Silver Prize, 2022, co-organized by the Hong Kong Electrical and Mechanical Services Department and the Guangdong Provincial Association for Science and Technology

2) China Scholarship Council (Student no. 201806050085)


Building equipment

Building Digitization
